

2015: Raising the Bar: The Value of Appreciation

To kick start our series for 2015, we have the honor to dedicate the 1st episode to the “Indispensable Value of Appreciation, whereby we will be better able to build more bridges and foster healthy relationships both locally, regionally and internationally.

In the process we will have a clearer understanding between appreciation and flattery of which the former is sincere and the latter insincere.

In so doing we will be more willing to appreciate those who are closest to us, and equally those around us, in a friendly and sincere manner, whereby our friends, family and our world at large will always remember us for our kind words of appreciation.

May the Force Beyond continue to be our Shepherd throughout 2015 and beyond.

Our journey continues.

2015: Raising The Bar: Family Values... Honesty

In line with our ongoing Spiritual Value series our focus today is on Family Values and on the importance of Honesty in the discharge of our daily duties and responsibilities, in this 21st century full of uncertainty and insecurity.

It is said that “True Honesty is the willingness to stand completely exposed allowing the world to do what it may and say what it will so you may know who you are…beyond all ideas”.

Our deficiencies in this regard are well known and no one can deny the fact that dishonest practices are on the rise causing much mistrust within our local and global community, impacting negatively on Family Values, in causing much harm to our Social Fabric and much despair for Future Generations…

And the time to explain to our children “that it gets harder to correct a lie once you’ve told it, whereby you have no choice, but to tell more lies to keep it going” is Now. In that way they won’t have to remember who knows what if they tell the truth in the first place…to everyone.

May the force beyond continue to guide us in this direction in 2015 and beyond.

Our journey continues.

2015: Raising The Bar: Reconciling Secular Worldly And Selfless Spiritual Values

Today we focus our attention on the above mentioned two different sets of values and on how to strike the Right Balance between them, as we learn to take responsibility of our thoughts, words and actions governed by our personal and communal sets of values.

At this point in time, in human history, when Worldly and Spiritual values seems to be pulling people in different directions, it is felt that in the pursuit of secular, worldly goals, priority must always be given to spiritual values, considered as the true antidote to anxiety and despair.

At a time when the disparity between the rich and the poor is at its widest, and growing, together we will be better able to appropriately address the many prevailing problems besetting humanity, as we become more mature, compassionate and wiser.

As the highly respected talk show host and philanthropist Oprah Winfrey once said, “It isn't until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are - not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down, the spirit within - that you can begin to take control”.

For the love our Seychelles, our journey continues.

2015: The Pinnacle of Excellence: Wisdom

Our aim today is on the need for us to develop a better understanding of the Value of Knowledge and that of Wisdom, of which the former is considered as the Tool and the latter as the Craft in which the Tool is appropriately used.

In so doing we will be better able to make use of “a little more empathy, perspective and conciliation and a little less certitude, aggression and intransigence” in the discharge of our daily duties and responsibilities for the benefit of All.

For the love of Seychelles, our journey continues.

2015: Raising The Bar: Cruise Control for Life

Our focus today is on the appropriate use of Inspirational Words of Wisdom on our Journey of Life, which takes us to places we either Love, Hate or wish for something totally Different.

Far too often, we spend most of our lives comparing ourselves to others, a process which can only served to erode our unique individual qualities and inner fabric.

With such “saintly” words therefore, we will surely be better able to navigate and to:-

(a) Recognise that living is not just using time

(b) Keep our dreams alive

(c) Be always on the move, in putting time for the betterment of our lives

(d) Contribute to the happiness of others and not the least

(e) Consider risks as Opportunities, as Hope and surely not as despair

And the time for us to learn more on how to love ourselves first, so as to better express our Unconditional Love for our Seychelles is now.

Our journey continues.

2015: Raising The Bar: Living Life With No Regrets

It is said that one of the most difficult feelings ever is to get at the end of your life and realise that you have a ton of Regrets.

Our focus today therefore is to explore ways and means to live your best now, so as not to waste this precious gift on something or someone who hinders you from reaching your full potential.

In the process we will also learn that if you want something to change, the first step is by working hard to change it yourself, whereby being better able to be open to all new opportunities around you, in choosing your ideal life.

Our journey continues.

2015: Raising The Bar: Living Life to the Fullest: 20 Deathbed Regrets

It will be recalled that in our last episode much emphasis was placed on how to Live Life with No Regrets so as not to waste this “precious gift” from the Force Beyond.

In this vein and as part of the observance of the Holy Week by the Christian Faith worldwide and the essence of Spring and Renewal that the feast of Easter entails, our focus today us on 20 Regrets from People on their Deathbeds, that can help change your life from a potentially destructive path, to one of Triumph and Fulfillment.

For regardless of All the struggles and battles that life brings, always follow your intuition and listen to what your heart is telling you on what you truly desire and deeply want, in avoiding all the unpleasant Regrets you may end up with on your deathbed.

Surely since the choice is yours, only you can decide.

We wish us All Christians a Happy Easter.

Our journey continues.

2015: Raising The Bar: 14 Things You Should Give Up Chasing

Our focus today is on how to eliminate worry and fear associated with Success by shifting the patterns of thinking that result in self-doubt and second-guessing.

It is argued that worrying about what you’re doing (or not doing) is the surest way to keep you poor and unsuccessful, for when you make decisions based on external motivator, it is much easier to second-guess yourself.

Indeed more often than not we all tend to fantasize about the big pay-offs for all our hard work, but that kind of success is always elusive around the next bend.

Since “success is not a person, but an event” by shifting your thinking from being a successful person to a Confident one, you will be better able to experience more success events and more failure events, both of which have abundant rewards.

Thus let us always remember that focusing on what we are doing now is more important than focusing on success.

Our journey continues.

Independence Day 2015: The Journey of Life: Our Journey Continues

To commemorate thirty-nine years of Independence of our Small Island Nation, we will soon be raising our heads with much pride and salute the Land we were born on and the Nation that made us who we are today.
In so doing let us above all express our deepest gratitude to the Force Beyond for the remarkable progress we have made, and for the reserve of knowledge, experience and ability we have acquired through much dedication, devotion and hard work… today earning us the respect, the honour and the support of the international community, without which our mere survival would be in jeopardy.
Indeed along with Freedom also come Responsibility and since no Country is perfect by itself, it is up to US to Unite further, and to work smarter towards our endless quest for the “Perfection” we seek.
On this most Auspicious Occasion therefore, let us all make a solemn Promise to “stand together as one” and to continue to be good citizens of our beloved Seychelles in the best of our capabilities, and to build further on our achievements for the benefit of All generations to come.
May the Lord Almighty continue to guide us on our Journey of Life, in this prevailing turbulent World of ours, full of heightened uncertainty and insecurity, when “Unity of Purpose” is of an imperative necessity for our Sustainable Growth Process ahead.
For the unconditional Love of our Seychelles and our beautiful people, we wish US all a Highly Reflective and Happy Independence Day 2015.

Unity of Purpose: The Quest for Happiness

It will be recalled that it was indeed with great pride and much joy that we recently celebrated the 39th Anniversary of our Independence Day. Once again we have made full use of this Momentous Occasion to further showcase to the International Community our sincere commitment to continue to live in peace and harmony, through “Unity of Purpose” in our Small Island Nation.

And yes, today we must be equally proud that though our hard work and devotion over the past four decades or so, we have earned ourselves the honour of being an upper income country, with one of the highest GNI per capita in Africa.

In the process we have also recognised that such a milestone is not an end itself, for we have also realised that the road ahead of us is still harder and much more difficult, if we are not only to uphold our newly acquired Status but above all to ensure a much brighter and more sustainable future for our children.

It is therefore in this Spirit of Togetherness, (and gearing up towards my 60th Birthday soon) that we have now found it to be both timely and appropriate to focus our attention on the issue of Happiness. In so doing we will not only have a much better understanding on what we need to do to make life more enjoyable, productive and worthwhile, but above all that to truly appreciate our Journey of Life, we must sometimes have to just sit back and enjoy the Ride...

Unity of Purpose: Embracing Diversity

As we are all well aware, our human race is extraordinarily diverse in many ways. Gender, ethnicity, race, class, religions, nationality, sexuality, lifestyle, etc… As a consequence the areas in which we differ are endless.

Since we are all of the same Human Species, we all experience highs and lows in our Journey of Life, whereby we must always strive to be happy and fulfilled.

While our joy and pains are what bring US Together, our Diversity makes us Unique for we are each our own special person, one who has never existed and will never exist again.

And while Compassion refers to the love for and desire to help all people, in allowing us to realise our role in something much larger than ourselves, conversely, when our minds are polluted by Prejudice, we pick out and focus on “differences”, wasting much of our time criticising and disliking others. And the Intolerance within us causes much Anger and Resentment.

Our focus today, therefore, is on how to overcome our Prejudice and unfair assumptions of others, which are the enemy of everyone, in enabling us to avoid Us becoming self-absorbed, and caught up in our own struggles and fears, which is the Key to Peace, Progress and Properties in our World.

Our journey continues...

The Value of Constructive Criticism

In line with the on-going enhancement of our Unity endeavours and processes (both locally and globally) today we focus our attention on the Value of Constructive Criticism” in enabling us to further solidify our family structure and our various public, private and civil society institutions.

In so doing we will better able to:- stop acting on impulse; further improve our behaviour patterns; encourage more positive changes; increase our cohesion and productivity mechanisms; and not the least decrease our individual and collective stress level in this prevailing highly turbulent period of human history, for the benefit of all.

Our journey continues...

The Power of Forgiveness

It is said that “one of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to forgive everybody, everything, every night before you go to bed” and that we simply “cannot embrace God’s Forgiveness if we are busy clinging to past wounds and nursing old grudges”.

In our endless quest for everlasting peace, for the love of our Seychelles and the sake of our children, we have no doubt that through our focus today we will be better able to: - do away with the sufferings of the past, transform our anger and hurt into healing and peace, overcome our feelings of depression, anxiety and rage, increase our self-esteem and not the least, forge ahead with far greater potentials for inner freedom, acceptance and tolerance.

May Peace be with us always on our journey of Life, in this highly turbulent world of today.

Unity Of Purpose: The Value Of Mental Strength

Life has no smooth road for any of us. As such we must constantly be inspired to unleash the best powers of our minds, so as not to waste time feeling sorry for ourselves nor to give away our power to others.

Indeed since mental toughness is what separates the Super Stars from the merely “good”, the only way of finding the limits of what is possible, is by going beyond them into the impossible.

The key to mental toughness therefore is to continuously apply the traits of motivation, positive attribute, emotional self control, calmness under fire and being energetic and ready for action.

In the discharge of our duties and responsibilities; we have no doubt that through the application of those traits, day in and day out, we will be better able to reach new heights (both individually and collectively) for the benefit of our Seychelles and our World at large.

Our Journey continues...

Unity of Purpose: Embracing The Art Of Smart Thinking

It is said that “human beings are distinguished from other species by our ability to use language”. Yet too often in the discharge of our daily duties and responsibilities, we do not talk nor listen to one another.

Though our focus of today therefore, we are confident and convinced that we will have a better understanding of the difference between Smart Thinking and Raw Intelligence, whereby being better able to make full use of smart solutions to further enhance our emotional and spiritual values, on the path to long term Sustainable Growth.

And the time is always ripe for us to learn to maximise our full potentials, to make smarter decisions with our lives, for the benefit of all.

Our journey continues.

Unity Of Purpose: Our Creole Culture: The Quest For Success

In line with our endless quest for sustainable solutions (both individually and collectively) our focus today, is how not to feel victimised and angry about the situation at work but rather focus on the things we can do to influence the situation.

In the process we will be better able to set new targets, surround ourselves with successful people, be punctual, enjoy the work we do, surprise people with our achievements, and not the least to make full use of any given opportunity to learn and share our experiences with our fellow human beings.

It is said that “if everyone is moving forward together then success takes care of itself”.

Thus, let this 30th Anniversary celebration of our unique Creole culture, be another opportunity for us to renew our pledge to communicate better, unite further, and grow together with everyone else, in Peace and Harmony, for the benefit of all.

Our journey continues.

Unity of Purpose: Aging Gracefully: Honouring Our Elders

As has been customary for over three decades now, we will soon be paying a special tribute to our elders and express our profound gratitude for the many accomplishments they have registered and continue to contribute selflessly to our daily lives and our community, in further strengthening the foundation that our future, the future of our children and that of our world will always be heavily dependent upon.

On this momentous occasion therefore, let us renew our pledge to ensure that our Seychelles remains a place in which to mature and grow older whereby providing our seniors the necessary support, encouragement, assistance and services for them to cherish in their latter lives in dignity, tranquillity, with love and respect.

In so doing, let us never, ever lose sight of the fact that we are who we are today, the result of their hard work, devotion and sacrifice, whereby it is of an imperative necessity that we continue to act with respect for and accordingly to their footsteps in further ensuring a brighter future for all.

In wishing all our forebearers good health, long life and happiness always, we also pay a very special Birthday tribute to Myse France Albert Rene, 2nd President of the Republic of Seychelles for his continued priceless contribution in building Our Loving Seychelles of today where “Unity in Diversity” prevails…this “beacon of hope” in this highly turbulent global village of ours.

Many happy returns Msye Prezidan.

Unity of Purpose: Gratitude: The Value of Thanksgiving

Many countries have some sort of Day of Thanksgiving on their national calendar. However only the Commonwealth of Canada and the United States of America celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday, both having their roots in the same values, ideas and traditions.

Having had to honour and privilege to serve our Seychelles in both countries for 14 years of my productive life, for the last three decades or so I have always adhered to such Christian values which have guided me in the discharge of my duties and responsibilities...always striving for the best possible outcome, for the benefit of all.

And today is that special Day to give thanks to the Creator for this wonderful life where each of us has the opportunity to learn lessons we could not fully comprehend by other means, for “if a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get “and that” if we only continue to focus on what we don’t have, we will never, ever have enough”.

We wish us all Happy Thanksgiving.

Our journey continues.

2016: The Quest for Reconciliation

“Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Hal Borland.”

Indeed 2015 has been a highly eventful year which through our collective endeavours has enabled us to register much progress in the economical, social, environmental, moral spiritual and many other fields, for the benefit of our Seychelles, our people, and our world.

From a political stand point, it is a fact that the process we undertook has enabled us to undertake a much deeper assessment of self whereby being better able to recognise what our diverse views and beliefs are and on how to move forward as one for the benefit of All.

In the process, we have also come to realise that unless we all solemnly pledge to do our utmost to Reconcile our weaknesses, impediments and obstacles to progress, peace and prosperity, our Love for one another will remain nothing else but conditional and detrimental to our mere survival on this highly delicate road to progress as a unique and peaceful small island oasis, in a highly turbulent world of ours.

In this vein since “A house divided against itself cannot stand” (bible) Mark 3.25, more than ever before, there is now an imperative necessity, to bridge our “Political divide”, in further cementing our “certainty caution”, on which that “future we want” is so heavily dependent upon.

Thus as Christians and believers, let this Christmas fill our hearts with everlasting love, respect for one another, much hope for all, and peace of mind for still more progress and sustainable prosperity for All in 2016 and beyond.

We wish us all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016.

May the Force Beyond continue to be our shepherd always...